
Province-wide Initiative Announced to Combat Workplace Injuries Due to Violence

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Province-wide initiative announced to combat workplace injuries due to violence

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Violence is the fifth highest cause of workplace injuries in Saskatchewan. On Thursday, the Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) and the Saskatchewan Association of Safe Workplaces in Health (SASWH) announced a province-wide initiative to address it.

“Workers shouldn’t go to work and feel threatened by violence,”  Shelly McFadden, director of prevention at the WCB, said in a press release. “That’s why the WCB is partnering in this violence prevention initiative.”

In 2016, 936 claims were reported to the WCB due to violence. The WCB identified the top five sectors where acts of violence and aggression happened — health care, social services, education, hospitality and policing and corrections. The top five causes of injury by violence acts were done by health-care patients or residents of a health-care facility, other people, dogs, prison inmates and students.

The WCB and SASWH presented the initiative to leaders in key industries at a meeting in Regina on Thursday. The Provincial Violence Prevention Framework includes a toolkit that will be piloted in facilities in Saskatchewan health regions. Tools include information, training, manuals, web content and videos for employers and workers.

The development of the provincial violence framework will be lead by SASWH. The group has been tracking and investigating these incidents in health care for a while now.

“Violence in the workplace, whether it is a physical attack or psychological or verbal violence, is a threat to Saskatchewan workers, and a growing problem for supervisors and employers,”  Sandra Cripps, chief executive officer of SASWH, said in the release. “The emotional cost of violence in the workplace is far higher than any estimated financial cost.”

The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour has said it is supportive of the initiative.

“Everyone has the right to a safe and healthy workplace. This initiative is an important step to raising awareness about the issue of violence in order to prevent these injuries,” said Lori Johb, chair of the SASWH board of directors and SFL secretary-treasurer.