


March 22, 2017


It is clear that students, healthcare patients, Crown corporations, and workers are not the priorities for the Sask. Party government – and the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) is deeply disappointed with today’s budget.

“Putting SaskTel and other Crowns on the chopping block is not in the best interest of Saskatchewan people or our economy,” said SFL president Larry Hubich, “this budget leaves the door open for the passage of Bill 40 and, as a result, the sell-off of our Crowns. It’s a bad budget, and Bill 40 must be stopped,” he added.

The Sask. Party government has also doubled-down on an ill-conceived idea to claw back 3.5 per cent from hard-working public sector workers.

“Today’s budget is a continuation of the Sask. Party government’s attacks on hard-working Saskatchewan people,” said Hubich, “we have already seen the government blame their financial mess on some of the lowest-paid public sector workers, such as janitors, and now they are expanding that attack to education workers, frontline healthcare staff, and the professionals in our public service,” he added.

The budget released today does not adequately deal with the Sask. Party’s government’s expensive privatization schemes – like the $2 billion private bypass around Regina and P3 schools – nor does it properly invest in education, workplace training initiatives, or frontline healthcare.

The SFL, as part of the Own It! initiative to protect Crowns and public services, recently held a pre-budget consultation in Saskatoon. Many ideas were submitted that would strengthen the services people rely on, protect our Crowns from Bill 40, and invest in the economy.

“From our consultations with Saskatchewan people, it has become apparent that cuts, layoffs, and sell-offs are not the direction that will grow our economy or support our communities,” said Hubich, “it is too bad that the Sask. Party government has so blatantly ignored the people of this province,” he added.

For additional information, contact:

Kent Peterson

Strategic Advisor

Saskatchewan Federation of Labour

1 (306) 570-1855
e: k.peterson@sfl.sk.ca

Post-budget Town Hall March 27th Regina

Greetings Brothers & Sisters,

 Own It! Post-budget Town Hall – Regina

DATE:              Monday March 27th

TIME:               7:00pm to 8:30 pm

WHERE:           Artesian (2627 13th Avenue, Regina)

How will the provincial government’s new budget impact our Crowns and public services, and what can we do about it?

Everyone is invited to our public town hall meeting to discuss how the provincial government’s budget will impact Crowns and public services for Saskatchewan people, and what we can do to fight back against cuts and privatization.

Join panel moderator Aina Kagis and hear a budget debrief, as well as presentations on: public services, healthcare, education, and our Crowns.

FACEBOOK LINK: https://www.facebook.com/events/1895123204033875/

In solidarity,

Joie Warnock

Western Director

Have You Been Charged for Necessary Health Procedures?

Have You Been Charged Fees for Health Care? Please contact the Globe & Mail as per the email below:

The Globe and Mail is working on a big, in-depth project, to connect with anyone in Canada who has paid $$ out of their own pocket for necessary medical care or services – for themselves or their loved ones – in the last five years.

Our goal is to get positive action/change from provincial and federal governments

To get there, we first need to document growing practices like double billing for same procedure (Eg. doctor charging patient for immediate consult then doing surgery in public hospital; charging patients for facility fees but charging province for surgery etc), extra billing (where you must pay extra fees to be a patient or get basic services like phone calls etc. from your clinic) and overbilling (where you must pay for specific, extra uninsured services like tests, counselling etc, before the doctor will treat your condition).

We can’t make this happen unless we hear from the people most affected – patients – so we can then reveal how prevalent the practices are.

Please email me in confidence at ktomlinson@globeandmail.com  We will only include your experience in our story if you agree to participate.

I’d dearly love to hear from you regardless.

(my bio and examples of work are here: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/authors/kathy-tomlinson )


Kathy Tomlinson

Investigative reporter, Globe and Mail

(604) 349-7904


Stop Attacking Public Sector Workers


Here’s your chance to send a letter to the Premier asking him to stop attacking public sector workers. 

These hard working Saskatchewan taxpayers did not create the government’s financial mess and they shouldn’t be threatened with job loss and wage cuts.

See below and linked.  It’s easy to do.

The letter is in support of the Own It! campaign, and can be found here: http://www.sfl.sk.ca/stoptheattack.


Larry Hubich


Saskatchewan Federation of Labour

Phone:  306-924-8573

e-mail:  l.hubich@sfl.sk.ca

twitter:  @LHubich

blog:  www.larryhubich.blogspot.com






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Christina Gelowitz



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Domestic Violence Legislation in Saskatchewan

In Saskatchewan, we have the highest rate of intimate partner violence amongst all provinces – we need legislation that ensures job security for victims of domestic abuse, and we need it now. There has been extensive research around the connections between work and domestic violence – it is not right that victims be further victimized at work either though job insecurity or a lack of supportive work environments. Please sign and share this petition that is being sent to relative SK elected officials on this issue – sign and share! http://canadawest.seiu.org/page/speakout/petition-job-security-for-victims-of-domestic-violence

In solidarity,

Catherine Gendron

Project Coordinator, SEIU-West Political Action and Education

#200 – 747 46th St. W, Saskatoon SK S7L6A1

306-652-1011 x 2236

Check us out on Facebook: www.facebook.com/seiuwest

Follow us on Twitter: @PurpleWorksSEIU