

Who Are We

We represent >700 members at the Co-op Refinery in Regina, Saskatchewan.
Our Mission
Our Mission

Unifor 594 are hard hat professionals working for a safe and better life for our members, our neighbours and our refinery.

594 Safety

We work 24 hours a day,
365 days a year to keep the Refinery safe and profitable.

594 Community

We are your neighbours and contribute to strong community growth. We are an important part of the local community and economy.
We support local business and
help to keep our community sustainable.

594 Hard Hat Professionals

We don’t all wear hard hats, but we are all professionals.
Our union has over 75 years of experience operating our Co-op Refinery safely and effectively.

594 Quality Of Life

Unifor 594 stands together to improve the working conditions and quality of life for our members and their families, who help contribute to the growth of our communities.

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Here’s the place to start:

Please ensure name and department is accurate when filling out the form.

Send via email to: treasurer@unifor594.com or by interoffice mail.

If you are attending union training, conferences or meetings then apply for reimbursement.

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Join Unifor 594 Partner For Life by donating blood using :

ID: UNIF155195